11 Reasons Why You Should Get a Home Solar Energy System

You may not have thought much about getting a solar system to power you home, or maybe you have. Regardless, there are 11 great reasons why solar is the smartest thing you can do both for yourself personally, your family and the planet. Some of these benefits may surprise you, so read on to find out all of the top 11 reasons why you should switch to solar power for you home. Read on and learn more about this amazing technology and why solar IS for you and why you'll LOVE going solar!

Reason #11

Go back to your middle school days... remember when you learned about photosynthesis? Weren't you jealous of (and also amazed by) those plants that knew exactly how to turn the sun's photons into usable energy? Well, no need to be green-eyed (pun intended) anymore! Although it only took approximately 3.2 billon years longer, us mere humans finally know how to perform our own version of photosynthesis using solar panels! Now you can mimic plant life and harvest energy from the sun.  

Reasons #10

The sun is a renewable resource. This means that it will never run out (well at least not for another 5 billon years) and we can use as much of its energy for free! It's also the most abundant source on earth, so there are no worries about running low (like they are with fossil fuels which are a finite resource). Get on board with renewable energy and go solar!

Reason #9

Your bills won't increase. The market is hot with financing options to own solar that will allow you to do a bill swap, which means you can pay off your solar system at the same amount your utilities cost you every month. If you get solar, instead of sending money to pay for fossil fuels which damage the environment, you'll be supporting clean energy. Let your wallet do the talking and go green.

Reason #8

You'll be able to take advantage of the federal tax credit. The government will give you a 26% tax credit on your solar installation, and that means big savings for homeowners like you. This incentive will continue to decline, so take advantage while the credit is at its highest! Even if it does get renewed, it’s likely to be less since it’s been decreasing every year. Now’s the time to go solar and get the biggest tax credit you can!

Reason #7

Say goodbye to leasing your electricity, and hello to adding value to your home with every dollar you don't give to your utility company. Who knows, you may even get checks from the utility company eventually instead! Now that would be a nice role-reversal, wouldn’t it?

Reason #6

You'll be helping save the environment. The average home produces about 20,000 pounds of CO² each year and that's not good for our planet! With solar panels on your roof, you can help reduce this amount by up to 30%. That means a cleaner world with less pollution in it - what could possibly sound better?

Reason #5

Lead through action. Solar energy is a win for the environment and ensures a better future for all of us. It's never too early or late in life to start caring about the environment in a big way, so start today!

Reason #4

You'll be able to charge your electric car and be ready for the next zombie apocalypse. If you're worried about the next zombie apocalypse, then solar energy is for YOU! With a home battery system and an electric car charger installed in your garage or driveway - not only will it be easier to charge up when needed but also, you’ll be able to charge up if there's no power grid available because of the zombies.

Reason #3

You'll be adding value to your home. A house with a well-functioning, technologically advanced solar system on the roof is a big selling point for homebuyers. Just like a remodel, a solar system increases the price of your home. You can expect to see over 50% of the cost of the system added to your home's value, and after the 26% tax credit and electricity savings, you could expect the system to have paid for itself. In summary, a residential solar system isn't an expense – it's an asset!

Reason #2

You can still get solar panels even if your roof isn't ideal. If you have the right property, you can do a ground mount solar system which just means you have a bunch of solar panels mounted in the ground creating an array like you would on the roof of your house. So, if there is too much shading on your roof or there is another reason your roof won't work, solar power is still possible for you. Give us a call and we'll help you figure it out!

Reason #1

Going solar is empowering. Thousands of people and communities across the globe have said 'yes' to solar and the benefits it can bring. In South Africa for instance, 10,000 young people living off-grid are now able to study after dark via backpacks outfitted with solar panels that charge up lights for use at night. Apply solar to your everyday life and you'll be a part of the solar revolution that’s changing our planet in positive ways.

That's it! Those are 11 great reasons why you should get solar power set up for your home. Give us a call or fill out our form to request a free solar consult. We've been in business for 13 years and know how to make the process quick and easy so you won't have to worry about a thing. We're your Denver area solar experts and we are just a phone call or an email away! Start working your way towards a future with no utility bills and a cleaner environment with us.